Here is the jury's words for Ninosca (The Woman and the Emigrant's song):
Ninosca is the name of an impressive woman from Nicaragua, and this a film about her life. Filmmaker Peter Torbjörnsson encountered her in a rural village. She was just 12 years of age, shy, brushing her teeth and avoiding the camera. But this was the beginning of a friendship between filmmaker and subject that spans both their lives. It begins amidst the Sandinista’s war against the Contras, when Ninosca is filled with hope for both her country and her life. Through the years, both endured countless challenges. As the country slides into dictatorship, Torbjörnsson follows Ninosca as she extracts herself from domestic abuse, struggles to support her children through work in Spain and finally returns to her country, her village, her family. Few films have tracked the life of a subject with such tender commitment. It’s a touching film about a powerful, willful, beautiful woman.